
Envoys in China Enter Yantai, Shandong and Dunhuang, Gansu

Date:2024-05-14 17:32:03 Source:Organization Author:Organization

The Cultural Exchange Organization of Presenting China to the World organizes the envoys of various countries in China to go into the local cities in depth, and through carrying out different forms of innovative exchange activities, builds a pragmatic and internationally influential exchange platform and world bridge for the local cities of China and the embassies of the world in China, as well as cultural and tourism agencies and chambers of commerce of various countries in China. At the same time, it promotes to the world in an all-round and three-dimensional way the urban landscape, humanistic landscape, natural scenery and achievements of urban development, provides systematic services for the development of cultural and tourism industries, the promotion of the overall image of the city, and the opening up of a new situation for investment promotion of Chinese local cities, so as to better attract Chinese and foreign businessmen to invest in the local cities of China and to let the international tourists come to travel and vacation, and to improve the influence and popularity of the local cities of China in the international arena in a leaping manner.

Tanzanian Ambassador in China Visited Yantai

On May 8-9, Tanzanian Ambassador in China Hamis Musa Omar and his entourage visited Yantai, inspecting the relevant enterprises and universities in the city, and promoting practical cooperation between Yantai and Tanzania in the fields of agriculture, education, etc.

During their stay in Yantai, Ambassador Omar and his entourage visited Ludong University and cut the ribbon for the “Ludong University Modern Agricultural Science and Technology Achievement Exhibition”, and both sides held a working meeting to reach a preliminary intention on the establishment of an African Modern Agricultural Research Institute in Tanzania by Ludong University and Pacific Century Group (PCG) Law Firm. In addition, the ambassador and his delegation also went to Shandong Xiantan Co., Ltd. for a field study of broiler chicken breeding and processing technology.

Ambassador Omar highly appreciated the economic and social development of Yantai and said that the two sides have great potential for cooperation in the fields of agricultural modernization, blue economy, scientific research and talent cultivation, etc. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Tanzania and China, and taking this opportunity, the Embassy is very willing to provide full support for the establishment of the Institute of Modern Agriculture in Africa and the cooperation and exchange between Chinese and African universities, and hopes that more research institutes, think tanks, and companies from both sides will take part in the cooperation and pragmatic projects.

Delegation of Asian countries' envoys in China visited Dunhuang

Recently, a delegation of Asian envoys and high-level diplomats came to Dunhuang City to conduct a study visit and learn about the cultural development of the Silk Road.

During the visit, Cambodian Ambassador Song Jiawei and diplomats from the embassies of Pakistan, Japan, Indonesia, Brunei, Laos, Mongolia and Sri Lanka came to Mogao Grottoes, the Crescent Spring at Mingsha Mountain, Dunhuang Bookstore and other places to get a better understanding of the development of Dunhuang's cultural and tourism industries, and they expect to cooperate with Dunhuang and achieve greater results in the future.

Bilal Chowdhury, Minister of the Embassy of Pakistan in China, said: “I am very grateful to the Chinese side for organizing our visit to various parts of China, especially to Dunhuang. After visiting the Mogao Grottoes and related scenic spots, I feel that the Chinese government has done a very good job in the protection of cultural relics and the natural environment, and achieved very fruitful results, which also serves as a very good example for other countries in this regard. During the short visit to Jiuquan and Dunhuang, we learned about drip irrigation technology and the fruitful results achieved in the field of sand control and prevention. As a diplomat from Pakistan, I also hope to bring other Pakistanis as well as my own family here in the future to show them some of the local achievements, some of the successes, so that more people can learn about Dunhuang.”

Minister Counselor Le Aiwei of the Indonesian Embassy in China said: “The word Dunhuang means spectacular and vast, and after visiting the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, I have a deeper understanding of this concept. Inside the caves, I saw different cultures, Chinese and Western cultures converging and exchanging in Dunhuang. The exchange of cultures promotes understanding and communication between people, which can make people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds live here together, and together they make today's prosperity and affluence, which is a city with deep cultural heritage, a famous historical and cultural tourism city.” 

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