
Learning the Spirit of the Red Flag Canal Improving the Party Character and Cultivation

Date:2024-05-07 13:15:49 Source:Organization Author:Organization

In order to strengthen the ideals and beliefs of the party members and enhance the party spirit, to meet the 75th anniversary of the founding of the country, the party members of the Cultural Exchange Organization of Presenting China to the World and the party branch of Zhongjia Xinsheng (Beijing) Cultural Development Co., Ltd. went to the red base of Hongqiqiu to carry out the theme of the Party day activity of following the footsteps of the General Secretary and carrying forward the spirit of the Red Flag Canal. This activity aims to understand the heroic deeds of the Red Flag Canal, carry forward the red spirit, enhance the party character of the party members, remember the history, and stimulate the love of the party and patriotism by visiting the Red Flag Canal Memorial Hall, the Youth Cave, and the ceremony of renewing the oath of joining the party.

The Red Flag Canal is an important symbol of China's revolutionary history. The hard-working and brave 300,000 people of Linzhou, who fought hard for 10 years, built the Red Flag Canal on the cliffs of Taihang Mountain, which is known as the Eighth Wonder of the World, with only hammers, shovels and hands, and forged the spirit of self-reliance, hard work, unity and cooperation, and selfless dedication. Party members raised their heads to see the thousand-foot-high cliffs, bent their heads to see the hundred-foot-deep canyon, followed the flowing water, retraced the Great Wall of Water, felt the great feat of constructing the Red Flag Canal project, and traced the source of the never-ending spirit. During the construction process, 300 young volunteers formed a commando team, which took one year and five months to cut through the dangerous terrain and hard rock wall, and this water transfer tunnel named Youth Cavewitnessed the spirit of hard work and dedication of the young people of Red Flag Canal.

Visiting the Red Flag Canal Memorial Hall, through watching the precious historical documents and objects, further understanding the glorious history of the Red Flag Canal and the great contribution of the revolutionary forefathers, the party members were deeply touched in their hearts, and they realized the indomitable and perseverance that the spirit of the Red Flag Canal implies. The ceremony of renewing the oath of joining the Party held at the entrance of the diversion gate made the party members solemnly swear to remember the original heart of joining the Party and keep the mission in mind, and they vowed to take the spirit of the Red Flag Canal as an example, carry forward the fine tradition of the Red Flag Canal in their future work, strive to take up the responsibility, be willing to dedicate themselves to the realization of the Party's cause and the people's happiness and make unremitting efforts.

This learning activity let the party members deeply appreciate the great significance and contemporary value of the spirit of the Red Flag Canal, the spirit of struggle of the Red Flag Canal inspired every party member, they have expressed that they will interpret the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping with practical actions, adhere to the initial mission, the courage to take on the role, carry forward the spirit of their own rehabilitation, hard work, selfless dedication, unity and cooperation, dare to gnaw down the hardest bones, and courageously take over the hardest task! The Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will be realized by contributing our own strength.

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