
Promoting Integration of Culture and Technology

Date:2024-05-13 13:05:57 Source:人民日报 Author:Organization

Promoting the in-depth integration of culture and science and technology, and comprehensively advancing the innovation of cultural industry in terms of content forms, carriers and channels, and business modes will further stimulate the vitality of cultural innovation and creativity, and improve the quality, efficiency and core competitiveness of the cultural industry.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized, “Explore effective mechanisms for the integration of culture and science and technology, accelerate the development of new cultural business forms, and form more new growth points of cultural industries.”

From the opening ceremony of the Asian Games in Hangzhou, China's traditional culture and scientific and technological aesthetics of the innovative blend of visual feast, to 3D light sculpture digital technology to create a fully immersive world of light and shadow to show the Dunhuang grotto culture; from the use of modern science and technology means of cultural enterprises to explore cultural resources to create a brand of IP, to the use of digital technology to the cultural protection unit of the restoration and preservation of historical relics......The mutual integration of culture and science and technology is providing new momentum to accelerate the formation of new quality productivity and promote high-quality development.

From the practice in recent years, the integration of culture and science and technology has not only spawned new cultural business forms and extended the cultural industry chain, but also gathered a large number of innovative talents, which is a sunrise industry with a bright future. Promoting the deep integration of culture and science and technology, and comprehensively promoting the innovation of cultural industry in content form, carrier channel and business mode will further stimulate the vitality of cultural innovation and creation, and improve the quality, efficiency and core competitiveness of cultural industry.

More than 5,000 years of Chinese civilization have left us a large number of cultural resources and cultural achievements, many of which are still in their traditional forms and need to be vigorously promoted for digital transformation. Vigorously promoting the construction of digital culture and realizing the digital transformation of cultural resources will provide content support for new cultural industries and new forms of business based on digitization, networking and intelligence. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the construction of cultural digitization infrastructure, constantly consolidate the big data system and arithmetic supply center for cultural resources, as well as facilities related to cultural data production, collection, transmission, computation and storage, so as to safeguard the full life-cycle management of cultural data. 

With the participation of digital and intelligent technologies, digital media, the film industry, cultural heritage preservation and other fields are continuously improving the international competitiveness of China's cultural and creative industries and the international influence of Chinese civilization. Promoting the combination of cultural and creative industries with cutting-edge science and technology will give the cultural and creative industries wings. For example, with the development of arithmetic power and large models, artificial intelligence has begun to truly solve the industry's practical problems and realize cost reduction and efficiency. Take the most technically advanced science fiction movie as an example, it often takes years to shoot a science fiction blockbuster, and after the latest artificial intelligence technology is applied to this field, the production time of special effects images can be shortened to a few days, thus significantly reducing the time cost and technical threshold of science fiction movie shooting. Through the organic combination of cultural and creative industries and modern cutting-edge technology, it will strongly promote technological innovation, industry renewal and industrial innovation in the fields of industrial design, cultural and creative products, and cultural services.

The deep integration of culture and science and technology requires efforts from both sides. Through the empowerment of science and technology, the structure of the cultural industry has been optimized and upgraded, new cultural business forms have become richer, the characteristics of digitization, networking and intelligence have become more obvious, the industrial chain and the ecology of innovation and development have become more perfect, and the overall strength and competitiveness of the cultural industry have been significantly enhanced. At the same time, the excellent traditional Chinese culture also provides rich content resources, a large number of needs and application scenarios for the development of science and technology. For example, it provides a realistic basis for digital creation, so that 3D printing, virtual reality, augmented reality, blockchain technology, etc. are fully developed and utilized; in all aspects of preservation, protection and display of historical and cultural resources, the in-depth involvement of cutting-edge science and technology and their application not only form globally leading cultural innovations and industrial clusters, but also further promote the innovation and upgrading of technology itself.

Strengthening the innovation and application of cultural science and technology, and promoting the in-depth integration of culture and science and technology will vigorously promote the comprehensive transformation and upgrading of cultural industries, improve the quality, efficiency and core competitiveness, and promote the high-quality development of cultural industries.

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