
The 2022 National “Rural Spring Festival Gala” Demonstration Event is Initiated Online

Date:2021-12-30 09:48:38 Source:Ministry of Culture and Tourism Author:Organizing Committee

    On December 30th, the 2022 National Rural Spring Festival Gala” Demonstration Event started simultaneously on national public culture cloud, China Media Group Mobile and Xinhuanet. Hu Heping, minister and secretary of the leading party group of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and Shen Haixiong, director and editor in chief and secretary of the leading party group of the CCTV, delivered speeches through video.

    Hu Heping said that the 2022 National Rural Spring Festival Gala” Demonstration Event centered on celebrating the Spring Festival and welcoming the Beijing Winter Olympic Games--our happy life. The event is with prominent theme, obvious features and rich content. Different places connect with each other online and offline and establish a series of gala-related products with strong Chinese flavor. This is the way to start a relay show” and a Spring Festival celebration” with Chinese tradition. Cultural and tourism departments need to learn and implement Xi Jinping Thoughts on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially the spirit of the important spirit of the statement on culture and tourism. Relating departments should enhance the leadership and organization to do prevent and control the pandemic and guarantee security and to held a happy, health, high-level and memorable Spring Festival gala. Heads of departments need to find inspiration from people and life, help to establish more vivid art and cultural work and create more moving art image, so as to prize peoples new image, new hard work and new spirit.

    Shen Haixiong said that the rural Spring Festival Gala” is an innovative measure to implement the spirit of the important spirit of the work relating to agriculture, farmers and rural area. The gala shows the beautiful and amazing image of rural areas in a lively way and presents the images of confident rural residents and their moderately prosperous life. The gala focuses on life on rural land let the voice and feeling on these pieces of land be heard by all. Amid the strong atmosphere of upcoming Spring Festival and the Winter Olympic Games, the 2022 rural Spring Festival Gala” is more characteristic. Technologies including 5G+4K/8K+AI” and four languages are used by the CCTV to show to the international society the unique art and culture from Chinese rural areas and magnificent Chinese rural scenery. The gala should be unique and amazing and let performers to sing and dance for joy and harvest, so as to gather the strong strength to push forward the rural rejuvenation in all aspects.

    The 2022 National Rural Spring Festival Gala” is hosted by the Public Service Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the National Public Cultural Development Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the New Media Center of the CCTV. The theme of the gala is Celebrating the Spring Festival and Welcoming the Beijing Winter Olympic Games--Our Beautiful Life. The event is divided into four sections, namely, initiative part, promotion, the Spring Festival Gala and summary. Relating departments in different places cooperate with each other both online and offline. On the event, audience will see a series of products full of traditional Chinese flavor through multiple ways including rural talents, products recommendation, unique rural culture and tourism and outstanding art and culture show. The traditional show will be presented in a relay to show the beautiful sight of the Spring Festival in various places.

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