
The opening ceremony of Museums of Black Civilizations was held in Senegal

Date:2018-12-07 11:36:47 Source:Xinhua News Agency Author:Organization

On December 6th, the opening ceremony of Museums of Black Civilizations took place in Senegal. Attending the opening ceremony were Luo Shugang, Chinese minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and Macky Sall, president of Senegal.

In his speech, President Sall extended his great gratitude to China’s contributions in building Museums of Black Civilizations and sending the Minister Luo Shugang to attend the opening ceremony. “The museums, which are the symbol of unity and friendship, will become a major platform for spreading black civilizations and conducting cultural exchanges between China and Africa” he said. 
“Museums of Black Civilizations, as an important cultural project in Senegal, are a significant symbol of strong culture and comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between China and Senegal.” said Luo Shugang. 
Twenty works, including masks and clothes stored in Chinese National Museum of Ethnology in Guizhou Province, was displayed during the exhibition.  
In the afternoon, a business meeting was held between Luo and Koulibaly, Senegal’s minister of Culture, in Museums of Black Civilizations.

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