
“Three Regions and Three Prefectures” tourism promotion takes place in Gansu Province

Date:2019-01-06 11:13:14 Source:China Tourism News Author:Organization

In order to further put Xi’s important guiding principles on poverty alleviation into action, and consolidate the implementation of Opinion on Three Year Action Plan in Winning Poverty Alleviation Battle of the State Council and Opinion on Supporting Poverty Alleviation in Rural Poor Regions issued by the General Office of the CPC and the General Office of the State Council, and accelerate the tourism for poverty alleviation, “Three Regions and Three Prefectures” (poverty-stricken areas in Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan)tourism promotion, which was held by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the State Council Office of Poverty Alleviation, took place in Yongjing county, Lingxia Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province. Luo Shugang, minister of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, attended this activity and delivered a speech. Tang Renjian, governor of Gansu Province, He Wei, vice governor of Gansu province and Hai Bo, inspection commissioner of the State Council Office of Poverty Alleviation, also attended this activity. Wang Xiaofeng, member of the Party group of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, presided over relevant activities.
It is said, by virtue of positive exploration and practice, cultural and tourism departments have gathered a lot of valuable experience in tourism for poverty alleviation. For instance, we conduct systematic guidance on poverty alleviation so as to deal with the problem of lacking ideas; we exercise multichannel projects to cope with the problem of lacking funds; we try different demonstration patterns to solve the problem of lacking methods; we build the targeted mechanism linking interests to handle the problem of narrow income sources,; we launch tourism promotion to address the problem of lacking market; we pursue various training to settle down the problem lacking elites.
This activity aims to assist the poverty alleviation in poor regions such as “Three Regions and Three Prefectures”. Cultural and tourism departments will firmly uphold “Four Consciousness” and take more powerful measures. Firstly, we will see the implementation of tourism plan for poverty alleviation; secondly, we will support the construction of tourism infrastructures and “Toilet Revolution”; thirdly, we will develop countryside tourism; fourthly, we will continue to expand the demonstration effects and pursue training in poverty alleviation; fifthly, we will jointly promote“Three Regions and Three Prefectures”; sixthly, we will attach much importance to alleviating poverty, boosting confidence and improving wisdom.
This activity also released “Three Regions and Three Prefectures” tourism circle and established promotion union. Besides, it announced the“Three Regions and Three Prefectures” tour with one cellphone and hosted the tourism negotiation. 
Attending the activity were comrades from the Ministry of Cultural and Tourism, the State Council Office of Poverty Alleviation, provincial and municipal bureaus of culture and tourism, people’s government and tourism departments  of “Three Prefectures”as well as representatives of relevant associations, major travel businessmen, investor and media.

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