
Witness the New Quality Productivity Empowering the Prosperous Development of Cultural Industry

Date:2024-05-24 14:02:33 Source:CNTV Author:Organization

The 20th China (Shenzhen) International Cultural Industries Fair will be held from May 23rd to 27th. As a key initiative to empower the prosperous development of cultural industries with new productivity, the Fair will accelerate the transformation and upgrading, and strive to enhance the level of internationalization, marketization, specialization and digitization, and with the scale of the fair, the number of visitors and the degree of internationalization rising, the Fair has become an important engine for promoting the development of China's cultural industries and an important platform for Chinese culture to go out.

The main venue of this year's Cultural Fair consists of eight pavilions, namely Hall A and Hall B of the Comprehensive Exhibition of Cultural Industries, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Cultural Industry Innovation Exhibition, Cultural and Tourism Integration-Cultural Consumption Exhibition, Film and Television-Publishing-Copyright-Game and e-Sports Exhibition, Intangible-Heritage-Old Brands-Arts and Crafts Exhibition, Arts-Design-China's Trend Exhibition, and the International Cultural Trade Exhibition. More than 120,000 cultural products will be exhibited, and a total of more than 4,000 cultural industry investment and financing projects will be displayed and traded on the site. 60 overseas countries and regions will participate in this year's exhibition, and it is expected that more than 90,000 domestic and foreign visitors will negotiate and place orders on the site.

Li Qiangqiang, executive deputy director of the 20th Cultural Fair Organizing Committee Office, introduced that the Fair will accelerate the transformation and upgrading, actively introduce domestic and foreign high-end cultural industry resources, and strive to enhance the level of internationalization, marketization, specialization and digitization, and run new features, new highlights, new results, and shape a new atmosphere of the Fair.

This fair’s black technology, new games and other new elements appear one after another, digital technology and cultural industry deep fusion, giving rise to new industrial forms, business models and application scenarios, give more cultural value for the production.

The international cultural trade exhibition was set up for the first time, inviting foreign trade organizations such as the Spanish Trade Association and the Nepal Chamber of Commerce and Industry to participate in the exhibition, and one-stop contracting of cultural industry excellence from all over the world; in the film and television-publishing-copyright-game and gaming exhibition. The theme exhibition of “City Culture Partner”, which debuted at the Film and Television - Publishing - Copyright - Game and Gaming Exhibition, presents “New Products of Culture + Trading Industry Integration” and spreads the excellent culture of the city. It is reported that this year's fair will hold more than 100 innovative projects and new product launches and more than 20 investment conferences, promotional meetings, etc., for domestic and foreign new products, new technologies, new forms of business, new services released to provide the “first exhibition” “debut” “first show” “The first show” platform.

Xiaoqi, the producer of Hongbo Changrong, said, “‘City Culture Partner Industry Trading Platform’ is a co-construction cooperation program, hoping that through our cultural packaging can let more people to understand these products, so that more good things in China can be presented to the world.”

Feng Tao, Senior Manager of Tencent Group's Marketing and PR Department, stated, “We hope to recommend these excellent and fine introductions rich in the main theme of the times through the digital platform, and bring the new national trend overseas.”

Jiang Xiezhen, Executive Director of Avon Communications, said, “At this fair, we will debut a data insight platform, hoping to export the data we have accumulated for 11 years, our experience in mining, and some of the strategies of data insight to our partners, so that they can do more targeted exports and can reach their goals quickly.”













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