
Important Instructions on Tourism Work

Date:2024-05-20 16:39:33 Source:Xinhua News Agency Author:Organization

Xi Jinping gives important instructions on tourism work
Efforts to improve the modern tourism system and accelerate the construction of a strong tourism country
Promoting stable, long-term and high-quality development of tourism

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, has recently given important instructions on tourism, pointing out that since the reform and opening up, especially since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, the development of China's tourism has stepped into the fast lane, formed the world's largest domestic tourism market, and become the largest source of international tourism and a major destination. It has become an emerging strategic pillar industry and a livelihood and happiness industry with significant characteristics of the times, and has successfully walked out of a unique road of China's tourism development.

Xi Jinping emphasized that with the new era and new journey, tourism development is facing new opportunities and challenges. We should be guided by the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, implement the new development concept in a complete and accurate manner, adhere to the principle of observing the correctness and innovation, improving quality and efficiency, integrating development, coordinating the government and the market, supply and demand, protection and development, domestic and international, development and safety, focusing on perfecting the modern tourism system, accelerating the construction of a strong tourism country, so that tourism can better serve the good life, promote economic development, and construct a spiritual homeland, showcase China's image and enhance mutual understanding among civilizations. All regions and departments should effectively enhance their sense of responsibility and mission, and work together to promote the high-quality development of tourism.

The National Tourism Development Conference was held on May 17 in Beijing. Li Shulei, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of the Central Propaganda Department, conveyed Xi Jinping's important instructions and delivered a speech at the meeting, saying that it is necessary to study and implement in depth the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and a series of important expositions on tourism development, and to insist on shaping the tourism industry with culture and manifesting culture with tourism, and to take the unique road of China's tourism development. To promote the high-quality development of tourism, accelerate the construction of a strong tourism country, strengthen systematic planning and scientific layout, protect cultural heritage and ecological resources, improve the level of supply and quality of service, deepen international tourism exchanges and cooperation, and constantly create a new situation for tourism development.

State Councilor Chen Yiqin presided over the meeting and made a concluding speech.

Responsible comrades from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Heilongjiang Province, Zhejiang Province, Hunan Province and Guizhou Province made exchange speeches.

Responsible comrades from provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government and sub-provincial cities, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, relevant departments of the central government and state organs, some important state-owned enterprises, relevant cultural and tourism industry associations and enterprises attended the meeting.

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