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The 2nd China-Japan Tourism was Held in Shaoxing

Date:2021-12-09 18:17:03 Source:Ministry of Culture and Tourism Author:Organizing Committee

    In December 7th, the 2nd China-Japan Tourism Forum was held online and offline in Shaoxing city of Zhejiang province. Zhang Xu, vice culture and tourism minister, and Wu Jing, vice chairman of the CPPCC of Zhejiang province, delivered speeches in the opening ceremony. さいとう てつお, Japanese minister of land, infrastructure and transport, and Tarumi Hideo, Japanese ambassador to China, gave video speeches. A Japanese counsellor in China announced the congratulation letter from にかい としひろ, the top Japanese advisor of China-Japan Tourism Forum, member House of Representatives of Japan and the former chairperson of Liberal Democratic Party. There were more than 100 attendees, including those from relating Chinese cultural and tourism department (bureau), selected city representatives of former eastern cultural cities of China, culture and tourism enterprises, industrial association, Japanese embassy and consulates in China, offices of national tourism bureaus in China, offices of Japanese prefectures in China and offices of Japanese travel and aviation enterprises in China. The Forum has a brunch stadium in the China culture center in Tokyo, Japan.

    Zhang Xu said in his speech that the unexpected Covid-19 pandemic caused the stagnated people-to-people exchanges between the two countries, leading to a low status of cross-border tourism, but the application of science and technology offered new opportunities to the tourism of the two countries. He issued four suggestions regarding the recovery and development of China-Japan tourism in the post-pandemic era. First, guiding according to the tendency and enhancing arrangement and top-level design. Second, follow the trend and promoting the upgrade of tourism. Third, making new progress with the trend and improving the cultural and tourism innovative integration. Forth, creating new tendency and making full use of the events at important times. Zhang Xu hoped that at 2020, the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic normalization between China and Japan, tourism enterprises of the two countries world work together to improve people-to-people exchanges through tourism, so as to build a foundation for stable and long-term relationship between China and Japan.

    China-Japan Tourism Forum is a significant measure to implement the result of the first meeting of high-level China-Japan people-to-people communication mechanism. The theme of the forum was using high-tech to promote the recovery and development of China-Japan tourism in the post-pandemic era. The representative of Chinese and Japan tourism enterprises and different places shared their ideas on the theme. The Shaoxing Announcement” was established during the forum. A governor of Wakayama Prefecture, the place to hold the next forum, delivered a video welcoming speech.

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