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“China Cultural Week” in Bucharest Started by Performance of Henan Art Troupe

Date:2018-10-29 17:18:18 Source:Xinhua News Agency Author:Organizing Committee

    In the evening of October 27th, China Henan Art Troup made it’s appearance in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. It signified the start of “China Cultural Week” by amazing performance.

    The performance started with “A Jubilant Festival” which was a dance full of happiness and vitality. There were also shows full of ethnic characteristics, like the classic dance “Tage”, Sichuan opera “Mask Changing” and suona horn solo, all of which introduced rich and colorful Chinese culture to local audience.

    The Romania lyrics played by Henan artists left a strong impression on audience. All of them applauded when Liu Chang played the  “Lark” which was a famous lyric in Romania with a a two-stringed Chinese instrument. Later, Wang Quanzhen, a famous Henan opera performer sang “Looking into the mirror”, a folk song, in Romanian. Audience clapped their hands with the familiar rhyme of the music.

    The martial art in the night was popular, especially when it came to unusual skills like throwing a needle to pierce through a glass and iron palm to split bricks, both of which led to exclaiming from audience. The final and the most amazing show was “Shaolin Glory” in which martial arts masters took out broadswords, spears, swords, halberds and other weapons to present all kinds of martial arts to amaze audience. The performance came to an end in the song and dance named “Raise Your Glass, My Friend”.

    After performing in Bucharest, Henan art troupe would go to other places including Lasi, a famous cultural city of Romania, for tour performance and participated the celebration of the “100th anniversary of the reunion of Romania”.

    “China Cultural Week” was jointly hosted by the Confucius Institute and China Cultural Center of Bucharest. The performance was watched by Tu Jiang, charge’d affairs of China’s embassy in Romania, the president of Bucharest University, local people of Chinese origin and representative of Chinese-funded institutes.

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