
Enhancing Cultural Confidence of College Students with Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture

Date:2024-05-10 11:50:34 Source:Guangming Daily Author:Organization

General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed, Without a high degree of cultural self-confidence and the prosperity of culture, there will be no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” Enhancing the cultural self-confidence of college students is an inherent requirement for promoting the all-round development of college students, the focus of ideological and political education for college students in the new era, and a necessary condition for advancing the construction of Chinese-style modernization.

Excellent traditional Chinese culture is the crystallization of wisdom and the essence of Chinese civilization, the root and soul of the Chinese nation, and the foundation on which we stand firm amidst the cultural turbulence of the world. For a tree to grow, its roots must be planted firmly; for a river to grow longer, its source must be cleaned.Colleges and universities should lead college students to trace the extremely rich ideological source of socialist core values from the excellent traditional Chinese culture, dig deep and expound the ideological essence of the excellent traditional culture that emphasizes benevolence and love, attaches importance to the people's fundamentals, abides by honesty and integrity, advocates justice, and pursues the pursuit of the commonwealth, and creatively transform it into a cultural spirit that is in harmony with the modern society. Traditional culture emphasizes that As Heavens movement is ever vigorous,so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along, advocates promises must be kept; actions must be resolute, and advocates Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you. Colleges and universities should build on these philosophical ideas and humanistic spirits of self-improvement, treating others with sincerity, and valuing credibility and harmony to enlighten and enrich college students' understanding and transformation of the world, to inspire them to devote themselves to the great practice of Chinese modernization with a more positive state of mind and spirit, and to continue to infuse youthful power into the advancement of Chinese modernization.

How can college students build cultural confidence in practice? The combination of the basic principles of Marxism and the excellent traditional Chinese culture generates a powerful spiritual force that gives college students a sense of confidence in the construction of Chinese-style modernization. The combination of the basic principles of Marxism and the excellent traditional Chinese culture is our party's profound summary of the historical experience of the Chineseization of Marxism and its profound grasp of the laws of the development of Chinese civilization. The basic principles of Marxism are general laws that have been proved by practice, and they are the truths that have captured the fundamentals of things, and they are the basic guidelines for college students to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Colleges and universities should guide college students to consciously use the position, viewpoints and methods of Marxism to remove the falsehoods of traditional Chinese culture, remove the rough and extract the essence, and then in the process of inheriting and carrying forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture to strengthen cultural self-confidence, so that the excellent national culture can forge towards the world. The fusion of the essence of Marxist thought and the essence of the excellent traditional Chinese culture has given the scientific theory distinctive Chinese characteristics, which not only follows the law of cultural development, but also meets the actual needs of modern society, and provides scientific guidance for college students to solve the problem of ideological understanding. The Second Combination, which has been tested by the practice of Chinese modernization, can enrich the spiritual world of college students, enhance their cultural confidence, and strengthen their self-consciousness and self-confidence in promoting the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

The value orientation of young people determines the value orientation of future society. The youth period is a key stage in the shaping and establishment of values, and it is particularly important to grasp the cultivation of values during this period. Colleges and universities have the mission to cultivate the values of college students, and they should make use of all the excellent civilization fruits created by the Chinese nation to promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture into the classroom, teaching materials and minds, so as to cultivate people with culture. The root of educating people lies in establishing morality. Chinese traditional culture is rich in virtue” ideas, advocating that the purpose of the university is to promote the bright and upright character, in order to enable people to abandon the old and pursuit of innovation, in order to enable people to achieve the most perfect state. The key to realizing the goal of moral education lies in adhering to the student-centered approach and respecting the main position of college students. College educators should understand the needs of students in the process of growth and success, carry out educational and practical activities close to the actual situation, close to the students, close to life, and strive to consolidate the cultural self-confidence of college students; lead college students to use the excellent traditional Chinese culture to correct their hearts and morals and make clear the value orientation of high aspirations, equal emphasis on morality and talent, double cultivation of feelings and rationality, and the courage to develop, and strengthen the nurturing effect of the excellent traditional Chinese culture to realize the free and comprehensive development of the students.

To strengthen the efficacy of Chinese traditional culture in educating people, we should insist on the integration of the Civics program with the Civics course. Classroom teaching is the main battlefield for colleges and universities to integrate Chinese excellent traditional culture into the fundamental task of establishing moral education, and plays a key role in enhancing the cultural self-confidence of college students. First, we should give full play to the role of the Civics program in casting souls and educating people. Civic and political courses are the main channel of value leadership for college students. On the one hand, students should be inspired by the power of scientific truth, guided by the principles of dialectical materialism and historical materialism to establish correct ideals and beliefs, and guided to pay attention to the times and society, and grow up to be modernized builders with sound personalities; on the other hand, we should infect students with the charm of traditional culture, lead them to develop the moral concept of cultivating oneself and dealing with the world by the excellent traditional Chinese culture created and continued by the Chinese nation for more than 5,000 years, set up a correct view of history and culture, and consciously shoulder the mission of the times of inheriting and promoting the national culture. Secondly, the synergistic effect of course politics should be effectively utilized. On the one hand, traditional cultural knowledge is organically integrated into the teaching content of professional courses, so that the Chinese excellent traditional culture is connected with professional courses to a certain extent, which can not only enhance the traditional cultural literacy of students, but also strengthen the professional sentiment of students. On the other hand, a systematic curriculum system of Chinese excellent traditional culture is created to show students the rich connotation of Chinese excellent traditional culture in a multi-dimensional and omni-directional way, so that the theoretical and emotional identification of students with Chinese excellent traditional culture can be enhanced in the course of knowledge transmission and ability cultivation, and the students can be further strengthened in their cultural self-confidence.

To strengthen the nurturing effect of Chinese traditional culture, it is necessary to insist that the teaching of theoretical knowledge and the solution of practical problems develop in the same direction. Marx believed that ideas can not realize anything at all, in order to realize the ideas, we need to have people who use the power of practice; Chinese traditional culture emphasizes that “People who are flexible and adaptable are valuable because they value and apply what they have learned”. The two are highly compatible in interpreting the importance of practice, and both advocate forging the ability of college students to unite knowledge and action. First, we should integrate the content of Chinese traditional culture into social practice, professional internships and other educational links, and guide students to draw nutrients in the rich and colorful practice, enrich their thoughts, and immerse themselves in the charms of the times of Chinese traditional culture. The combination of theory and practice prompts students to rise from perceptual to rational understanding of the moral concepts of cultivating oneself and living in the world in traditional culture, which helps to cultivate students' ability to solve practical problems by applying what they have learned. Secondly, we should build a nurturing system of traditional culture education in colleges and universities with the vision of “big ideology and politics”. Taking the realization of students' comprehensive development as the starting point, we will make full use of the rich resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture to educate people, and integrate the essence of Chinese excellent traditional culture into the curriculum, scientific research, practice, culture, network, psychology, management, service, financial aid, organization and other work of educating people, so as to make the value of the times of the Chinese excellent traditional culture of establishing morality and educating people fully manifested, and constantly stimulate the active pursuit of the university's firm cultural self-confidence and practical self-awareness, in order to promote the modernization of Chinese culture. The university will continue to stimulate the active pursuit of cultural self-confidence and practical self-awareness, and blossom brilliantly in the hot practice of promoting Chinese modernization.

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