
The Summary of 2019 and New Year Speech of 2020

Date:2019-12-31 17:46:49 Source: Cultural Exchange Organization Author:Cultural Exchange Organization

Bid farewell to the old year with joys sounds and greet the new year with cheerful voices! We are going to say goodbye to the splendid year of 2019, and a more beautiful year of 2020 approaches lightly and gracefully towards us. 
Since the Nineteenth CPC National Congress, President Xi Jinping put forward that it is an indispensable requirement for prospering the socialist culture and developing a great socialist culture to build stronger cultural confidence and enhance the level of opening-up at culture. He also stressed that foreign cultural exchanges have represented an important way of building stronger cultural confidence and enhancing the level of opening-up at culture to increase cultural soft power and win initiative in overall national strength and international competitiveness, thus achieving the rejuvenation of Chinese nation. 
Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Cultural Exchange Organization of Presenting China to the world, themed its events as “The Most Beautiful China”, aims at carrying forward the fine culture of Chinese nation, speeding up the development and prosperity of cultural course, promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, enhancing friendship and communications with other countries, advancing international economic and trade cooperation, getting a greater say in the world, realizing the great “Chinese Dream” and serving as an important windows for China and the rest of world to know more about each other.
In 2019, Cultural Exchange Organization of Presenting China to the World has received the comprehensive direction and great support from the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China, as well as the help of China’s relevant ministries and commissions including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship, foreign embassies and international organizations in China, and friendly Chinese and foreign personages. Meanwhile, some creative events held have got the positive affirmation and high recognition from China’s relevant ministries and commissions, foreign embassies in China, foreign cities and international guests. 
Meanwhile, Cultural Exchange Organization of Presenting China to the World visited countries like German, Austria, Switzerland, South Korea and Netherlands to engage in cultural exchanges, educational training and promotion of economy and trade upon the invitation of foreign embassies and international organizations in China, overseas cities and governments. While the foreign embassies in Beijing and overseas cities have an urgent desire to invite the Cultural Exchange Organization of Presenting China to the World to participate in their exchanging events in culture, economy and education. It is expected to lay a solid foundation for their own countries when introducing their culture, education, arts and economy to Chinese local cities, and conducting cultural exchanges, investment and research, education and training and art performances. It is also hoped that Chinese local cities and enterprises could go global with some pragmatic and influential events in the world.
As the spring is approaching, a new look is unfolding. We met at a new year when the world is facing both expanding opportunities and rising challenges,  Cultural Exchange Organization of Presenting China to the World will closely unite around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, comprehensively put the the principles proposed in the 19th National Congress into practice; uphold the goal of realizing the great Chinese Dream; advance the great development and prosperity of socialist culture; promote Sino-foreign cultural communications; increase cultural soft power and international influence and enhance friendship and exchanges with other countries. Meanwhile, we will actively put the cultural exchanges in the overall plan of cultural opening-up construction, exercise the strategy of a strong socialist culture and align with the implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan, as well as enhance communications and exchanges with foreign friends to offer quality services for cities at home and abroad. We are expected to step up joint efforts to let China and the rest of world know more about each other, to create more social benefits and to shoulder due social responsibilities.
At last, we’d like to extend our sincere wishes to the friends at home and abroad. Wish you a happy year and a harmonious family.

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