
A global promotion for Qinghai Province takes place in Beijing

Date:2019-11-26 09:20:37 Source:Cultural Exchange Organization Author:Cultural Exchange Organization

On November 26th, a global promotion under the theme of “China in the New Era: Beautiful Qinghai-From the Origin of the Three Rivers to the World” took place in Beijing. Wang Yi, state councilor and minister of Foreign Affairs, and Wang Jianjun, secretary of the Qinghai Party Committee, addressed the theme promotion. Qi Yu,, secretary of the CPC Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, were present. Liu Ning, governor of Qinghai, gave the presentation. 

The promotion is of great significance to showcase Qinghai’s social and economic development since the founding of the New China, further expand reform and opening-up and improve its international popularity. More than 500 guests, including diplomatic envoys in China from over 140 countries, representatives from international organizations in China, delegates from industrial and commercial sectors, Chinese and foreign experts, scholars as well as journalists, were in attendance. 

Wang Yi addressed the gathering, saying that Qinghai, a province in an area known as the “Roof of the World”, is one of the places closest to the sky, and a pristine land where man and nature co-exist in harmony. A success story is now unfolding in Qinghai about the interactive development between ecological environment and sustainable growth. It is a treasure trove of China’s ecological resources. Qinghai is a highland of China's green development. It is also an important hub along the Silk Road Economic Belt. The great achievement by Qinghai is an epitome of China’s development and rejuvenation, and a telling example of our success in promoting the modernization of governance. There are various models of governance and different paths to development in the world. We always believe that each country should be allowed to choose what suits its national realities best. China has made tremendous progress in developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. Whatever challenges may lay ahead, we will stay on this path with a strong resolve, which we believe over time will lead to a even more promising future.

Wang Yi pointed out, as 2019 draws to an end, in conducting China's diplomacy, we have looked beyond the changing landscape and worked actively to foster a community with a shared future for mankind. China will stand firmly for multilateralism and against unilateralism, for win-win cooperation, global partnership and an open world economy and against all forms of hegemony and power politics. China will always be an anchor for human progress and development. We are on track to realize the first centenary goal in 2020. Absolute poverty, which has haunted the nation for several thousand years, will soon become a thing of the past. China will complete the building of a moderately prosperous society. 

Wang Jianjun said, by advocating building a community with a shared future for mankind, President Xi Jinping outlined the blueprint for the bright future of global development. The Belt and Road Initiative provides an important avenue for the building of a shared future for mankind. As an important pivot along the Belt and Road, Qinghai will work closely with the rest of world by virtue of its “four business cards”, namely the source of the three rivers, an ecological barrier, a national park and resources and energy. Firstly, Qinghai, named after the water, is the origin of three rivers that has nurtured the largest amount of mighty rivers in Asia. The endless source of water makes itself possible to change China and influence the world. We will go global with the business card of “the source of the three rivers”. Secondly, it refers to the business card of “ecological barrier”. The Qinghai’s ecological resources worth 18.39 trillion yuan with an annual ecological service value of 730 billion yuan. The favorable ecological environment is the primary beauty while the safe ecology is the primary security for Qinghai. We will build beautiful Qinghai, China and world. Thus, the business card of “ecological barrier” will be brought to the world. Thirdly, we will promote the business card of “national park”. The pilot national park in the origin of three rives has created a new era of building national parks across China. Meanwhile, the first National Park Forum opens a window for Qinghai to embrace the world. The national park belongs not only to Qinghai and China but also the world. Therefore, we will bring the business card of “national park” to world. Fourthly, we will broadcast the business card of “resources and energy”. Qinghai features abundant resources and ample energy, which hold the key to the future of Qinghai, China and the world. We will take the business card of “resources and energy” with us to go global. 

Wang Janjun said that we have a better view since we are in plateau. But Qinghai has never ceased to go global. As Qinghai has stood at a new starting point of development today, we are looking forward to embracing a better future with other countries.

Liu Ning gave a novel and vivid presentation. He said that we commit great efforts to protecting ecological environment since Qinghai is the “Water Tower” of Chinese nation. It is expected to maintain the primitiveness and integrity of natural ecology, pay attention to the ecological environment of the “third pole” and pursue a holistic approach to conserving its mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes, and grasslands so as to see coordination between natural ecology and human society, environmental carrying capacity and the productivity of human development. 

Qinghai is the “field of hope”. We seek for green and high-quality development, and speed up the construction of demonstration for national park, clean energy, green and organic agricultural and livestock products, ethnic unity, beautiful plateau towns. It is expected to advance the structural economic transformation of ecology, recycling, digitization and enclave. Besides, it is encouraged to upgrade the model of green development, and unswervingly adhere to the path of green and high-quality development.

Qinghai is the “quality highland for working”. We step up great efforts to implement such important strategies as openness, win-win cooperation, involvement in Belt and Road, ecological protection of Yellow River and high-quality development, enlarge market access, improve business environment and push forward the construction of credit system to create business opportunities for investment and starting business.

Qinghai is harmonious home. We strive for sharing guarantees and upholding the people-oriented philosophy to win the battle of poverty reduction and push ahead with the courses of education and health care. It is hoped to promote the peaceful coexistence of man and nature and enable the people of all our ethnic groups to live together happily.

 Nowadays, Qinghai is fully applying Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and firmly implementing new convictions of development. People from all walks of life at home and abroad are welcome to share development opportunities with Qinghai to create a better future. 

At the scene, Liu Ning also answered such questions brought up by Gunnar Snorri Gunnarsson, ambassador of Ice Land to China, and Leela Mani Paudyal, Nepal’s ambassador to China, as dealing with relations between ecological environment protection and the social and economic development, poverty alleviation in Qinghai and potential for bilateral cooperation. He expressed that Qinghai will act on the understanding that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets so as to forge a demonstration province of national park. At the same time, it is hoped to see the implementation of President Xi Jinping’s remarks during his state visit to Nepal, and enhance exchanges and cooperation in various fields, ranging from investment and consumption, industry and employment, exchanges and mutual learning to solutions and protection.

Besides, a theme promotional video was released during the promotion. Serbian Ambassador Milan BAČEVIĆ, Kenyan Ambassador Sarah Serem and Mexican Ambassador José Luis Bernal made remarks respectively.

During the event, Wang Yi, Qi Yu, Wang Jianjun, Liu Ning and some attending foreign ambassadors visited the Qinghai theme exhibition and conducted in-depth exchanges. 

Prior to the promotion, Wang Jianjun and Liu Ning met with American Ambassador to China Terry Edward Branstad3. Mao Zhaoxu, vice minister of Foreign Affairs, presided over the Qinghai Business Promotion and delivered a concluding speech. Li Jiexiang, executive vice governor of Qinghai province, made remarks.

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