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Humanistic Exchanges between China and French

Date:2024-05-08 11:25:50 Source:Xinhua News Agency Author:Organization

In May in France, the grass is green along the Seine River and irises are in full bloom. On the streets of Paris, in the window of a bookstore near the Café de l'Homme, the French version of Three Bodies and other Chinese science fiction works attracted many pedestrians to stop and watch.

Miles away in Beijing, the Forbidden City and Versailles exhibition is being held in the Forbidden City Hall of Wenhua filled with tourists. The French style in the Forbidden City and the Chinese fashion in the Palace of Versailles more than two hundred years ago are skillfully presented through one piece of cultural relics, telling the historical story of the attraction and exchange between Chinese and French civilizations.

Sixty years ago, two great countries, China and France, established diplomatic relations, opening the door for interaction and cooperation between China and the West.

Over the past 60 years, generation after generation has inherited and developed China-France relations, and the friendly relations between the two countries have been everlasting. The warm handshake and the story of friendship have been continuing.

We welcome more French friends to come to China on free toursto enjoy China's famous mountains, small bridges and rivers, deserts, cultural wonders such as the Great Wall and the Terracotta Warriors, the development and changes in today's China, and the spirit of the Chinese people.In January this year, President Xi Jinping extended a sincere invitation to his French friends in a video message at the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France.

With this warm friendship, a group of young people from France started their journey to China, from ancient villages to modern cities, from intangible cultural heritage skills to scientific and technological exploration, immersing themselves in the charm and vitality of Chinese civilization.

“This is my first time in China. It's only 4 days, but it's probably the best 4 days of my life.” said Bugazzi Souhail, a 17-year-old high school student from Marseille, France. Strolling around the Forbidden City, touring the Temple of Heaven, climbing the Great Wall, eating Peking duck, visiting museums, learning soft brush calligraphy, visiting Tsinghua University and other institutions of learning, Suhail and his classmates have new experiences and feelings every day, “I want to give China a thumbs up.”

The good times in China flew by quickly, and in the hearts of these French children, the same seed of a dream has germinated: “One day, I will come back.” Just like their older sister Dai Mingxin 13 years ago.

In 2011, Dai Mingxin, a girl from Marseille, France, who was in high school, traveled to China for a short study tour under the guidance of her Chinese teacher, Mathalie Jean (Chinese name: Ma Jinhu), and since then, she has formed an unbreakable bond with China. From choosing Chinese as her major in university, to studying in China after graduation, to settling in China and becoming a video blogger, Dai Mingxin's growth and changes have always been linked to China.

“France has given me life, and China has given me beautiful colors.” A few months ago, when she heard that Mr. Ma was bringing his students back to China for another study tour, she launched a “handshake program” on social media, inviting Chinese netizens to send their best wishes to the French children who would soon be going to China.

“You come from the East, you are warm hosts. They come from the West, they are curious guests. I hope that with the power of an ordinary person, I can work with you all to accomplish this small but warm handshake across time and space, and do something small for the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China.” Dai Mingxin took this initiative.

Soon, videos from all over the world filled her e-mail.

“Welcome to China,” “I hope you have a rich harvest,” “Welcome to Zibo for barbecue, “Experience the cultural flavor of China's 5,000 years” ...... These kindnesses warmed peoples hearts. Children who received the blessings all had tears in their eyes, Ma Jinhu also quietly wipe the corners of the eyes. He said that China is the future, and hoped that the students will have their own Chinese stories.

“The interaction between countries lies in the close relationship between the people of the two countries. China-France relations are as good as they are today thanks to the people of the two countries sharing the same mind, feeling close to each other and helping each other.” Ten years ago, President Xi Jinping explained the foundation of Sino-French friendship at the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France.

Times of the interaction have brought the hearts of the people of the two countries together, and scenes have warmed the hearts of the people. This goodwill from the people, like a trickle of watering the tree of friendship between China and France, and like a wave of inexhaustible power for the development of bilateral relations.

Tumbling, spinning, framing, melodic, graceful and youthful. In Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, the young athletes of China's breakdancing team are carefully preparing for the Paris Olympics under the leadership of French head coach Mounir Biba.

Over the past two years, Biba repeatedly led Chinese breakdancers to France for training, and traveled to many European countries to participate in international competitions, to help the players to open up their horizons, improve their skills and increase their experience. Biba said he was delighted by the rapid growth and outstanding performance of Chinese young athletes, and looked forward to them setting off a “Chinese whirlwind” on the field in Paris.

Breakdancing has built a new bridge of cultural exchange between China and France, providing a stage for young people of the two countries to show and communicate. Biba has not only witnessed the rapid development of breakdancing in China and won the love of young people, but also looks forward to the Paris Olympics as a new impetus for French-Chinese sports cooperation.

Biba said he is helping his team members incorporate richer Chinese elements into their dances, “I tell the kids to be more confident and let the world see, ‘Hey, this is our dance, our culture.’”

Innovation and development in the exchange, civilization can be more vital. Intermingling with each other in dialog makes forward movement more dynamic.

President Xi Jinping pointed out that “we should insist on mutual understanding, and take the 2024 China-France Year of Culture and Tourism and the Paris Olympics as opportunities to expand humanistic exchanges and promote people-to-people exchanges.” During the 2024 China-France Year of Culture and Tourism, China and France are cooperating to organize hundreds of exciting activities throughout the year, covering a wide range of fields such as performing arts, visual arts, cultural heritage and tourism promotion. From youth exchanges to sports dialogues, from cultural heritage protection to cooperation in higher education, the two sides present the essence of the outstanding cultures of the two countries in a rich and vivid way, actively explore new ways to improve the level of humanistic exchanges between the two countries, and continue to deepen the mutual understanding of the people of the two countries.

France is the first country to hold a cultural year with China and set up a cultural center with each other, and it is also the first Western country to carry out youth exchanges with China. Hervé Lemoine, director of the National Museum of Furniture Management of France, said, looking back on the history of France and China, we have many good memories. Nowadays, the relationship between the two countries, which is based on deep friendship, is taking on new life.

“Cultural exchanges are like reaching out to each other, allowing us to get to know each other better and be curious about each other's cultures.” Kathrin Ruggeri, director of cultural affairs at the French Ministry of Culture, said.

According to Lea Bessie, a French China expert and writer, the France-China Year of Culture and Tourism and the Paris Olympics offer a unique opportunity to promote cooperation between the two countries, and “I hope that these cultural and sporting events will promote better mutual understanding and respect between the two countries.”

Long-lasting and in-depth dialogues and exchanges not only let the world perceive a credible, lovely and respectable China, but also allow China and France to stimulate new ideas and inspirations in cultural interactions, enhance understanding and respect for each other in the fusion of wisdom, and move forward hand in hand on the road of common development with greater determination.

More than 300 years ago, a French merchant ship named “Amphitrite” arrived in China, opening the prelude to Sino-French ocean trade and enhancing the friendly exchanges between Chinese and French civilizations.

Inside the Forbidden City, the French missionaries compiled a Manchu version of the Principles of Geometry, which became the “textbook” of Emperor Kangxi. In France, Voltaire and other thinkers sought enlightenment in traditional Chinese cultural texts, promoting and influencing the French Enlightenment.

In March 2019, during his visit to France, President Xi Jinping received a gift from French President Emmanuel Macron of a valuable ancient book in French called Introduction to the Analects of Confucius. As a 17th-century French orientalist, the author of this book, Bernier, wanted to spread Confucianism more widely in France at that time and build the philosophical and moral foundation of the country's politics.

Now, The Introduction to the Analects of Confucius will be translated into Chinese and published. A civilization dialogue across time and space has witnessed the mutual appreciation and closeness of two major civilizations, and has also provided enlightenment on how different civilizations can get along with each other.

“Civilizations are colorful because of exchanges, and they are enriched because of mutual understanding. Civilization exchange and mutual understanding is an important driving force for the progress of human civilization and the peaceful development of the world.” In March 2014, from a podium at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France, President Xi Jinping profoundly elaborated on the global significance of civilization exchanges and mutual understanding.

Under the leadership and promotion of the diplomacy of the heads of state, the dialogue between the two civilizations has been deepening, and a new story of common beauty is being written.

Today, there are more than 100 pairs of friendly provinces and cities between China and France. A number of universities and high schools in both countries have set up programs to teach each other's languages. French opera, ballet, architecture, sports, gastronomy and fashion have wide appeal in China. Chinese science fiction works, original picture books and animation movies are increasingly popular among French people.

Former French Prime Minister Francois Raffarin said that in today's increasingly chaotic international situation, exchanges and mutual understanding among civilizations have the unique power to transcend differences and transcend times. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, he recommended a book about China and France transcending cultural differences and enhancing mutual understanding: Cyrano, Confucius and I. The author, Li Chunyan, takes her own nearly 20 years of study, work and life experience in France as the basis, and depicts the commonalities and differences between Chinese and French cultures through frank narratives, humorous strokes and in-depth reflections, which is highly praised by French readers.

“A beautiful Sino-French story” “Transcends cultural differences” “Breaks down stereotypes” “You can learn about the traditional values of the Chinese people from it “...... The enthusiastic feedback from French media and readers surprised and touched Li Chunyan. She said that real experiences, sincere sharing and equal dialogues are more likely to stimulate spiritual resonance and enhance trust in each other.

President Xi Jinping said that mutual understanding is an important cornerstone for the development of China-France relations. President Macron has also said that true friendship is mutual understanding and mutual respect. At present, the world's century-long changes are accelerating. As important representatives of Eastern and Western civilizations, China and France, as two great civilizational powers, appreciate each other and draw on each other's experience, setting a new paradigm for the exchanges and mutual understanding of different civilizations, and also injecting positive energy into world peace and stability.

Looking to the future, under the guidance of the diplomacy of the heads of state, China and France will continue to promote humanistic exchanges and civil friendship, so that the ship of friendship can sail smoothly for a long time, and make greater contributions to the well-being of the two countries and the people of the world.

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